HSMSE Spring Formal

HSMSE Spring Formal
3/22/2024, 5:45 PM 9:00 PM


Reminder that Spring formal tickets are on sale! Tickets can be purchased in rm B7 during 3rd & 4th periods - tickets are $25. CASH ONLY. There is a limited amount of tickets available so act fast!

Theme: Hollywood Glamour
When: March 22,2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: NAC Ballroom on CCNY

Parent Tips - Some useful and important discussions to have with your child before the event
- Transportation - Speak to your child about their commute to the dance and their plans to head home afterwards.
- Safety - Communicate with your child about how they safely travel and encourage them to travel to the dance with friends and leave with a group of friends.
- Uber/Lyft or Personal PickUp Information - If you wish to drop off and pick up your child, the NAC ballroom is located on the ground floor of the NAC. This is the building that your children go to for lunch. It is located just south of Baskerville and across the street from the gym
- Making Good Choices- Communicate with your child that this is a school event. Any alcohol or drug usage is NOT tolerated and will face disciplinary action aligned with the nyc public school drug and alcohol policies.
- Ask Parent Perspective Questions and Inquire about Friends - What is your child doing before the dance? Where are they going after the dance? What friend(s) is your child meeting at the dance? Will they be at any specific house before or after and have you spoken with the parent of that house about the gathering of children?

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