Parents » Parent Teacher Association

Parent Teacher Association

The Parent Teacher Association of HSMSE engages parents in their children’s education and raises funds to support the school’s college office, sports teams, extracurricular activities, enrichment opportunities, and curriculum support for our students and faculty.
Read the 2024-25 Welcome Letter from the PTA Co-Presidents

Lea la Carta de Bienvenida 2024-25 de los Copresidentes de la PTA.


If you have any questions for the PTA, please email [email protected]
Administration events listed in dark purple. PTA events listed in orange.



Typically held on the third Thursday (6:30-8pm) from September to June
Open to all HSMSE parents and guardians, attending the PTA General Membership meetings is the best way to learn what is happening at our school. PTA meetings include an update by our Principal or Assistant Principals, information from the PTA Executive Board, and a themed presentation or discussion to help parents engage with their children’s education and prepare for college.

Meeting dates are listed on the school calendar. PTA emails will inform families of meeting dates and topics as well.


Each spring, the PTA Executive Board reviews the expenses of the previous school year, to determine anticipated expenses for the upcoming school year. Once approved by the Executive Board, the budget is presented to the General Membership at the last PTA meeting of the school year for approval. Approval of the budget means our parent body has committed to raising the funds, whether by personal donations or fundraising initiatives.
At the May 2024 meeting, the General Membership of the HSMSE PTA approved a $342,000 operating budget for the 2024-25 academic year.



Community Events
Throughout the school year, the PTA organizes community events to bring together the HSMSE community. Past events have included Bear Mountain hikes, ice skating, baseball outings, and parent/guardian meetups.

Fundraising Events
The PTA continually raises funds for the many school programs that are not funded by the DOE. Past events have included 5K Walk/Run events, parent cocktail parties, Pi Day Challenge and Giving Tuesday activities.